One Shoot Sunday, "Frolicking on the Beach"

Photo Courtesy of Iquanyin Moon
The fire flickered,
casting warm shadows
 across the cool sand
as the full moon winked
and nodded approval.

Bare feet and 
pearlescent bodies
splashed and skipped
amongst the incoming tide
while marshmellow kisses,
giggling games of hide and seek,
and warm foamy beer 
were enjoyed by

Mom and Dad
during their romantic
weekend get-away.

by Margaret Bednar

* * *

My 16 year old daughter laughed and said what I wrote was disturbing.  I guess her parents are "over-the-hill" at the old age of 45ish (teenagers are so endearing!)  Alas, it is fiction.  The above is a Fiction 55 for "One Stop Poetry's One Shoot Sunday" (a story in 55 words or less). The photographer is Iquanyin Moon of Hawaii.  Please click on One Shoot Sunday if you would like to read other creative writing or poetry submissions for the above photo prompt. 

This is also my submission for Friday Flash 55.  Tell a story in 55 words or less.  Click HERE to be transported to G-Man's (aka "Mr. Know It All") Blog to read more short stories.  I apologize to those who have already read it... but we are busy this weekend with the musical - "Nunsense-Amen".  My husband is Sister Robert Ann.  Needless to say, I have to work on getting this image out of my brain before any frolicking on the beach is possible... 


LOL Your daughter sounds like mine! I also have a 16-year-old. I think your Fiction 55 is lovely.
forgetmenot said…
Here I am again, jumping from blog to blog. Lovely description to fit the photo. My friend, Clare Vanderpool from Wichita, just won the 2011 Newbery Award for best Children's Book of the year. Moon Over Manifest was her first book and tells of a young girl's adventures in a small town in 1936. Needless to say, she as well as most of Wichita, were thrilled with her sucess. Mickie :)
Margaret said…
Lisa - Thank you - how I would love to frolic on the beach! Even if my daughter thinks it is weird! ;P

Mickie - Thank you for "jumping" :) I will have to check out the book- how exciting. I will let you know how I like it - I still have young kids to read to.
Lisa Gordon said…
Oh, don't I know it!!! Kids just don't like to think about that "stuff" where Mom and Dad are concerned!!!
I love the photograph you chose for this.
Lol! Mom and Dad deserve romantic moments, too!

♥.•*¨ Elizabeth ¨*•.♥
Brian Miller said…
nice...we need those romantic getaways to keep the fire going...
Enchanted Oak said…
Children! What prudes! So easily unnerved by their elders' humanity.
G-Man said…
Margaret, that Pic is priceless!
Loved your 55 My Friend.
You have LOTS of literary lee-way with me!
Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End
Doctor FTSE said…
Which would you rather have? A romantic weekend away with Mr.Bednar or a Kick-Ass weekend with G-Man? A no-brainer, isn't it?
I like your post, and your 55, and Sister Robert Ann. And your daughters reaction . . kids are like that, are they not?
All good wishes.

PS Your first link didn't work because some extra characters crept into your URL after "html"
Margaret said…
LOL. Dr. FTSE! I will answer on the safe side and say I must choose my husband! Sr. Robert Ann will live an extra weekend - show has been extended due to sell out crowds. The director said his he loved watching our kids reactions when they saw their dad.

Thanks, everyone, for enjoying this effort. "What are we gonna do about kids today?" ( to the tune of the Broadway song)...