Microfiction Monday #72, "The Shoe Fairy"

Picture Prompt provided by Microfiction Monday

The benevolent shoe fairy was equipped with laces, leather and polish,
but for that abominable stench, no amount of fay magic could abolish!

by Margaret Bednar, (Art Happens 02/27/11)

The above photo prompt is for "Microfiction Monday #72".  Tell a story in 140 characters or less!


Crystal said…
Amazing how you can tell in story in so few words. Nice one! :-)
alessandra said…
Haha, we had almost the same idea.
Diane said…
Oh so true! Love it :O)
Sylvia K said…
Yep, definitely takes more than fairy magic to clean up most smelly shoes! Fun take on the pic of the week! Enjoy your day!!

Peggy said…
You just can't get rid of some smells!
Enjoyed this!
Anonymous said…
Seems like a lot of us went with stinky shoes this week...yours was great. Hope you have a wonderful week. Cheers~
Lisa Gordon said…
I LOVE it!
This one is fantastic Margaret!
Maude Lynn said…
Sounds the like shoes of someone I (married) know!
Lynette Killam said…
Clearly, even magic has its limits...LOL! I thoroughly enjoyed this piece, Margaret, and must also compliment Mary for coining the phrase 'ogre odor'...too funny!

Imagination Lane
Jannie Funster said…
Oh, that is SO SO cute! Charming, really. I just love how you guys come at such different frames of reference in these photos.

Margaret said…
Thank you, everyone! I sure love Microfiction Mondays and all the creativity.