Microfiction Monday #73 "Fantasy"

A gentleman's vintage suite, not a red cape, was Lois Lane's fantasy.
Impress her Clark Kent must, so he gave her a photo for posterity.

by Margaret Bednar

(Doesn't he look amazingly like Christopher Reeve in the "Superman" movie?)

This if for Microfiction Monday. Tell a story in 140 characters or less!  It saddens me to say this might be the last challenge as the host feels she is unable to continue.  I am keeping my fingers crossed that it is not as I have enjoyed this challenge a lot.  


Crystal said…
He really does look like Christopher Reed! :-)
I didn't see the resemblance until it was pointed out. Someone else thought Tom Cruise. I'm just glad Lois got something from the grumpy fella! :) Nice MF!
SparkleFarkel said…
By George (<--but not Reeves), you're right! Now that you mention it, I do see Christopher in there! (Even though I'm the "Tom Cruiser" Lisa Ricard Claro was talking about, above.) Hm.--> Kinda looks like Superman borrowed Jimmy Olsen's bowtie for the photo session. LOL!
Lynette Killam said…
Margaret, If you've ever seen a movie called 'Somewhere in Time', you'd find this resemblance even more striking...

Great take on the prompt! I too hope Susan is able to continue with this wonderful meme...:)

Imagination Lane
Lisa Gordon said…
Oh, he surely does!! Amazing resemblance!
So nicely done!
Margaret said…
Thank you everyone!

Lynette - I did see "Somewhere in Time" and I used to live about 30 minutes from Mackinac Island where the movie was filmed.