Friday Flash 55 - An "Exposing" Journal Entry

Parent/Teacher meetings were something we always looked forward to.

One particular experience, our son's journal was opened to his October 27th entry.

"I might be Superman or The Phantom for Halloween.

I know I don't want to be a woman and wear a dress

like my Dad likes to do."

Explanations were interesting...

This is for Friday Flash 55.  (Tell a story in 55 words or less!)

* * * * *
If you have time, here is the


This was for a fundraiser for a local hospital.   It seems the "mystique" of Marilyn Monroe is still quite alive and sought after...  It also seems a man dressing up as a woman is always entertaining and it did raise a lot of money.

My husband has dressed up as the "Church Lady" which is my personal favorite and he also has created a character "Helga" which is the female cousin to "Hans and Franz".  "She" wears a woman's one piece swimming suit.  Aren't you glad I chose the above as my example?

That very same conference, we visited our daughter's second grade teacher.  She told us of a "Show & Tell" incident which my daughter "spilled the beans".   My daughter slipped it in between the events of the holiday break, "We went to the beach, we collected shells, my dad says mom has a boyfriend, and we saw a new movie". (we were and still are married) ...


I used to watch "The O'Reilly Factor" every night and my husband said everyone had to be quiet while Mommy's "boyfriend" was on TV. (don't razz me about watching Fox News!! :)

I can just imagine the teacher's gossip in the break room!  :)


Brian Miller said…
oh bet the class got a kick out of that one...smiles...
true sentiments, teacher's gossip?
students/parents better not hear it.

very special 55.
Anonymous said…
Amazing what kids latch on to and blurt out at inopportune times.

- Alice
Belinda Munoz said…
Looks like a fun memory, at least for her parents.
Maude Lynn said…
This is absolutely hilarious!
G-Man said…
Word of the day....NAIR!
You married Mr. Sasquatch?
Makes for a great 55 though.
Thanks for playing Margaret, I really appreciate it, and have a Kick Ass Week-End
Monica Manning said…
Oh the things that our children say! That's hilarious!!
dustus said…
Oh how funny, from 55 prompted from your son's journal entry to the pic he refers to. LOL Very cool
Lisa Gordon said…
Oh my gosh!!!
I LOVE it!!!
Crystal said…
LOL...from the mouths of babes! :-D
Anonymous said…
HAHAHAHAH!! Gotta be careful with what we do/say before kids... cuz you never know where and when (and how) they'll spill it out... lol!!

This was simply superb!!! :)
Anonymous said…
This is a lovely post. Thanks.

All the best, Boonie
Jigglyjess said…
Hilarious! What a giggle they must have had indeed...