Microfiction Monday#71, "Divine Revelation"

Photo Courtesy of Microfiction Monday

Leaving detention, Sam had a divine revelation.

It helped her survive four years.

There is light at the end of the tunnel.

Even in hell.

* * * * *

The above is for "Microfiction Monday #71".  Tell a story or caption in 140 characters or less. Give it a try and enter by clicking HERE or read other entries for the above photo prompt.  


Pat said…
Clever take on the photo! I guess getting out of prison would be like going into the light...the light of freedom.
Rinkly Rimes said…
Oh the freedom of that light at the end of the tunnel!
Melanie Sherman said…
Oh yeah, the angst of high school prison. Go toward the light. Save yourself. :)
Peggy said…
With light, freedom can follow.
Liked your take on the pic.
These are fun and so diverse.
Have a nice week.
Anyes said…
Now that's being optimistic isn't it? Good one though
Gemma Wiseman said…
That last line is a winning piece of irony! Very clever!
Linda O'Connell said…
Hi Margaret,
I ma new to Micro Fiction Mondays and am scouting the blogs. I signed on as a follower. Please do the same on my blog http:lindaoconnell.blogspot.com
Your interests appea to be as varied as mine.
Lisa Gordon said…
Really like this, and such a perfect shot to go with it!
As always, so nicely done!
Doctor FTSE said…
It's a long way to the light, though!
Diane said…
She sure is trying to be optimistic there.... :O)
Sylvia K said…
This is a terrific one for the day -- even if it is a long way to the light!! Hope you have a great week!

Maude Lynn said…
Well done! I like the intensity.
Nicely done! I have a teen at home who would say she relates. :)
Reflections said…
Oh, I really like this one. Even a light at the end of the tunnel, in hell... smiles. think it's a burning light, hope it doesn't burn itself out.
Susan Fobes said…
A comparison of school to hell? LOL! Nicely done!
Anonymous said…
I am so happy that the light at the end of the tunnel didn't turn out to be a train!!! LOL. Good microfiction this week. Cheers~
Margaret said…
Thank you for all the comments. I enjoyed all your takes as well. How fun is this? :)
Jannie Funster said…
No more teachers.
No more books!!

A great little microfiction, Margaret!

I must make YOUR sidebar button next.

Jannie Funster said…
Okay, young artsy lady. YOUR button is up on my site!

And it was WONDERFUL to sift through your different pages while looking for your button graphic, and learn more about you and your amazingly artsy kids.

peace and love to you!!

Crystal said…
I like this! Never heard of microfiction...I am a bit wordy myself, but it is very intriguing. :-)
Margaret said…
Jannie - I love the button! I am honored and amazed. Thank you, thank you for your compliments. They really do go straight to my heart.

Art2cee2 - I know you can do it - you are very creative and talented. And I LOVE your horse paintings!